Truly Compostable Nespresso Compatible Capsules

We're working away on sourcing the most sustainable capsules available. It turns out that capsules, if compostable are quite a sustainable way to drink coffee. There is less power used as only a flash of heat is used to heat the water. There is less waste and less coffee used per cup. Less than 20% of aluminium capsules are actually recycled so we are not going down this road. Did you know that certified HOME Compostable capsules (supplied by many Irish roasters) should NOT be put in food waste bins. HOME compostable means you have to compost them at home i.e. in your garden or home composter. TUV, the guys who give the certification have confirmed this to us. Less than 1% of homes have home composting. Compostable capsules must be certified INDUSTRIAL compostable which means they will break down in the required time to meet EN13432. We've eventually found a supplier and we are busy working on packaging design. If you're interested in this new product let us know on the WhatsApp link. We would love to hear your thoughts.


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